Skip to main contentplanning cabinets, electrical wiring, pneumatic installations
- hardware design specification (emergency stops, circuit breakers, shielding, power supply,...)
- layout, wiring, terminator, cross reference diagrams (electrical, control, solenoid, operator cabinets)
- selection of electrical cabinet components (Rittal, Phoenix, Siemens, Schrack, Rockwell, Weidmüller, Wago, ABB) documentation (components, spare parts, configuration)
- selection of pneumatic cabinet components (Festo, Bürket, SMC, Stasto) documentation (components, spare parts, configuration)
- safety instructions
- trouble shooting and maintenance instructions.
cabinet construction
- assembly of components
- conformity checks
- delivery and set-up
measurement and control equipment planning
- specification of the piping interface (special parts, sterile connections)
- selection and purchasing of control equipment (discussions for piping connection),(Endress & Hauser, Mettler Thornton, Negele Anderson, Vögtlin, Hottinger Baldwin, Labom, KSR Kübler, Krohne, Vega, Bronkhorst, Hartmann & Braun, Fisher Rosemount)
- configuration of transmitters
- documentation (components, configuration)
- trouble shooting and maintenance instructions
- calibration instructions